HAUD – The Immersive Experience Development Company

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List of Unity Recruitment Companies

Will Staff Solve My Problems? The answer is complicated...

Table of Contents

The Challenge of Building Software

challenge of building software

When you want to build any software, if it’s not a small project, the likelihood is that you will need some help.

Finding that help is a challenge, especially if you don’t know anyone super tech-savvy.

Should I Hire Staff?

should i hire staff

There Are 2 Main Problems Staffing a Project Can Solve

  1. Getting more done, quicker
  2. Getting complex stuff done that’s outside of your comfort zone

If these seem appealing, you likely need to hire staff.

Will Staff Solve My Problems?

will staff solve my problem


If not handled with care, they can cause many problems, which can leave a footprint on your company for many years to come.


If hired and managed correctly, they can significantly benefit your company.

Knowing how to do this properly takes decades of software development experience.

Avoid My Mistakes

Below, I will share my hard-earned experience to help you avoid some of my mistakes.

The Price Delusion

price delusion

More Experience = More Money

Having talked to many recruitment agents over the years, when looking at potential candidates, the higher the number of years of experience, the higher the salary demanded.

I felt I wanted someone with four years of experience; however, I gasped at the associated salary.

Don't Trick Yourself

To justify hiring on the cheap, I started to tell myself stories like;

  • “…there can’t be much difference between a £20k and a £40k programmer.”
  • “…no one sees the code, so the quality doesn’t matter that much, as long as it works…”
  • “…I’ll just hire someone for a few weeks here and there and do the rest myself…”

How Wrong Was I...

The First Problem

first problem

Meeting Expectations

The partnership we had with the publisher of our game was in jeopardy as they felt that the artwork in the game fell short of their expectations.

Double Checking

I arranged a meeting, scared I would lose the deal. I drove for 3 hours to meet them in person, face to face.

I found that they were indeed thinking of cutting us from their repertoire of games because of this.

The Second Problem

second problem

Longer Development Times

Additions to the game were taking longer and longer to implement.

Codebase ReWrite?

Fast forward a couple of years later; I set out to launch a sequel to the game, but I found out the codebase would have to be rewritten to support the new features I had planned, making it an immediately more costly development in more ways than one.

How I Avoided Being Cut by One of the Largest Publishers In the World

avoid being cut by games publisher

There Are No Shortcuts to Quality

As the publisher was not happy with the art quality, I decided to focus on skill instead of price and hired the best artist I could find.

It wasn’t cheap, but they decided to keep us on because of the new talent joining us.

What I Have Learned

what i have learned

Skill Shop Instead Of Price Shop

Deciding on skill shopping instead of price shop saved my publishing deal:

  1. The new, higher-skilled artist managed to completely replace the artwork in the entire game in under one month.
  2. Comparing that to the months it took to create much lower quality artwork, I found out that it was cheaper overall to hire better talent from the start.

Code Quality Matters

  1. The codebase is the foundation of your project, arguably the most important thing.
  2. Hire experienced programmers from the very beginning to avoid problems with the codebase later.
  3. Trying to find a good programmer and keep them on for as long as possible helps keep code consistent, avoid losing development velocity, diluting focus, and maintain quality.

High Standards as a Minimum

The overall quality of your software matters, starting at the idea down to the most exemplary implementation.

Don’t overlook anything.

How to Hire Staff to Build Your Unity Software Correctly

how to hire staff correctly

In General

Put someone in charge of hiring a discipline that they are experts in themselves, e.g.;

  • Ask your Tech Director to hire a programmer.
  • Ask an Art Director to hire an artist.

What's Important

At a minimum, you need to have basic knowledge of the subject matter in the first place:

  1. It’s best to hire programmers if you understand how to write code. The same goes for other disciplines too.
  2. It’s never too late to learn. 

The Devil Is In the Detail

Next, whoever is recruiting needs to be given detailed information about what the candidate will be doing; a job spec can communicate this. Please share it with various team members for their valuable feedback.

Be clear on what you want by identifying the skills you need and writing a detailed requirements document (job spec).

The Job Spec

  • Creating a job specification requires you to understand the subject matter, as it includes the necessary experience of tech stacks, software and languages etc.
  • It’s easy to mismatch skills against requirements, so please don’t ignore the point above.
  • Indeed.com does a good post on how to write a job spec. 

Qualify Your Candidates

Be prepared to examine the candidates via technical tests you have prepared.

The examination requires you to have a rather deep and relevant technical understanding of the role in question, even more so if no one on your team knows the project’s requirements and has no necessary skills to do so correctly.

Should I Use a Unity Development Company, Or Revert to a Recruitment Agent?

unity development company partnership

This is ultimately up to you. However, I hope I have shed some light on some of the experiences I’ve had over the last ~20 years in software development using recruitment agents, so you can make a more informed decision on who to choose.

Benefit From Our Experience

Feel free to take a look at our software development services, and if you find something we can help with, feel free to reach out to us to help you avoid the problems we faced.

My List of 64 Unity Developer Recruitment Companies

Charles Burt

Charles Burt


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