Health Economics: The Financial Benefits of Using XR in Healthcare (2022)
There is a reason for the high demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly, cost-effective XR healthcare tools.
HAUD – The Immersive Experience Development Company
There is a reason for the high demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly, cost-effective XR healthcare tools.
Patient and public engagement is one of the key pillars of NHS Clinical Governance. XR technology can revolutionise patient education.
Education and training are a key component of NHS clinical governance. As demonstrated by the recent COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital to ensure that the health and care workforce are responsive to changes in patient needs and in healthcare delivery…
Having VR and XR-therapy sessions in between real life sessions would mean that a) fewer real life sessions would be required per client, b) the sessions could be spread over a longer time period and c) the service could be more flexible and cost-effective if the therapy programme is accessible from their home/rehab placements when required….
The global wellness market is currently worth US $1.5 trillion and NHS England’s Five Year Forward View for Mental Health has prioritised utilising technology and expanding access to digital services…
Using VR and XR as a primary or complementary pain management practice represents an inviting alternative to prescribers and patients…
It is evident that the impact of COVID-19 and subsequent cost of living increases will see up to 10 million people needing mental health support as a direct consequence of the crisis – children and parents are amongst the worst affected in society…
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